No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat.

Airsoft Team - Kommando Münchhausen

Airsoft Team Kommando Münchhausen [ASTKM] setzt sich aus volljährigen Airsoft-MilSim-Spielern zusammen. Wir wohnen in den Landkreisen Holzminden, Hameln, Höxter, Hildesheim und Hannover, also südliches Niedersachsen. Oberste Priorität hat für uns die legale und sichere Ausübung des Hobbys.

Gegründet 2004 und ständig verbessert - Shut up, grab your gear and follow us!

MilSim Cards (MSC)

MilSim Cards (MSC)to german version

The main idea behind the MilSim-Cards is: Bringing Situations into the running game by "random" to force MilSim-Players react in the scene. Scope and effect can be planed by organisation in details before the game.
Also the cards can be used to rate points at the end of the game.
At the moment every idea is based on "sealed" cards that are opened in the game. So no special or additional technology is needed to use the card-system. As well everybody can manufacture these cards with just a printer, a cutter and a stapler.
For international games and usage we released this MilSim-Cards in two languages: German and English.

MilSim Medic Cards (MSMC)MilSim Medic Cards (MSMC)

We invented nothing new with this. We just take the existing systems/cards and simplified then (from our point of view). The goal was to bring the MilSim-game to more people and raise the part of teamwork in airsoft. It's not the goal to bring a lot of very realistic injuries into the airsoft game that has to handled like a real wound. The goal is to bring the medic/CFR into the game and bring the focus to the teamwork by helping and fighting for the "wounded".
Throughout the different MSM-cards it's able to have several emphasis, so that the organisation could adapt this to the planed storyline and to maybe different deployments.
To the MilSim Medic Cards (MSMC)

MilSim OpsInfo Cards (MSOC)MilSim OpsInfo Cards (MSOC)

These cards are a kind of reward in the game. They can be placed at players or locations. So if a player is taking prisoner or getting ransacked or a special location is conquered the MSO-cards could be the reward.
To the MilSim OpsInfo Cards (MSSC) 

MilSim Situation Cards (MSSC)MilSim Situation Cards (MSSC)

Very individual cards to bring very specific changes in situations into the MilSim-game.
To the MilSim Situation Cards (MSSC)